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Recorded Blue Sky Webinars

Finance, Commercial & Chartering Workstream

Applying the Poseidon Principles to U.S. Domestic Maritime Operations
In Conversation with David Cummins and Michael Parker

Policy, Regulatory & Incentives Workstream

Collaboration for Accelerating Emission Reductions Across Maritime Transportation Systems

Blue Sky Maritime Coalitio0n Seminar: Port Decarbonization: From Shoreside to Shipside

This seminar featured discussions aimed at reducing port and maritime greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The panel included leaders from the US port ecosystem discussing the depth and breadth of opportunities (and challenges) as it relates to decarbonization and incentives for adoption of emission reducing technologies. While many efforts to date have been focused on electrifying core operations like shore power, cargo handling, and drayage; how can we move the needle on vessel operations? Specifically, what role can ports play in support of harbor craft such as tug and tow operations? How can ports encourage green corridors to ensure inclusion of green tugboats?
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